The GC/NAD and the Supreme Court’s LGBT+ Decision

On June 15, 2020, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay and transgender workers were protected from discrimination in their workplaces. Justice Gorsuch wrote in the opinion: “An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law.” The court arguments focused on the Title VII protections written into the 1964…… Continue reading The GC/NAD and the Supreme Court’s LGBT+ Decision

Adventism and Social Issues

During November I will be sharing a series of video presentations, rather than papers. (Please note: the video does not show up in the preview image on the main page. Click the title above to see the video.) This one was presented on 5 October 2019 at the Roy Branson Legacy Sabbath School class in… Continue reading Adventism and Social Issues

The Adventist Church and its LGBT Members

At our last meeting I discussed the Church and an array of social issues. I showed that we had exhibited two different patterns and one unique case. In one pattern early sectarian Adventism did not care how it was regarded by other groups, but was very focused on using all resources to get its message…… Continue reading The Adventist Church and its LGBT Members

Man Created God in his Image

My topic has been stimulated by the fact that just as the TOSC Commission brought Adventist biblical scholars and Church administrators from all over the world to study women’s ordination in advance of the 2015 GC Session (only to see their recommendations ignored in the debate and decision-making process because Elder Ted Wilson, the GC…… Continue reading Man Created God in his Image